

See, I didn't know a lot of this stuff until now!

"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."

I remember the first time I read this quote, I took it as a cautionary statement (maybe my frame of mind at work here?).

Now that I read it again, I wonder if it might also be read as a teacher's sly encouragement to a student heading towards the right goal. As in, "Yes, you'll get there, as long as you don't stupidly wander off the path you're already on...". Thoughts?

The Financial Philosopher


I have experienced this quote in different ways as well!

Lau Tzu certainly believed that an individual should keep the end in mind as much as the beginning.

If you are "heading" in the right direction, there is no need to change it!

Thanks for the comment...



This blog is one of the most interesting and beautiful insights on money and positive thinking I have ever read in my life. I love the way you simplify and describe things and I especially love how you encourage your readers to put things in perspective. Family and health are a priority but so many people do not remember this on a daily basis. So many people (myself included!) want more and put money ahead of what is most important. The way you think and view finances is refreshing. I am delighted to be one of your regular readers and I look forward to reading your posts in the future! Thank you so much for all of it! You really have helped me look at things in a new light.

ffxiv gil

Lau Tzu was the great philosopher of China怂I love the way you simplify and describe things and I especially love how you encourage your readers to put things in perspective. Family and health are a priority but so many people do not remember this on a daily basis. So many people (myself included!) want more and put money ahead of what is most important.

Kent @ The Financial Philosopher

ffxiv gil:

I appreciate your comment. I believe many people would say that their priority is "family and health;" however, their actions do not reflect the priorities, especially if actions are measured by the amount of time spent on them.

Four years ago, I realized that my priorities and actions were in conflict, which is why I started my own business. Today, I am less wealthy, in financial terms than I was four years ago; however, I am happier and "richer" than I've ever been...

Thanks again for commenting...


Steven M Corbin

Attempting to apply Laotzu to the greed-ridden world of finance is doomed to fail. You are chasing illusions that you should have killed.

Steven M Corbin

On the other hand:

The wise student hears of the Tao and practises it diligently.
The average student hears of the Tao and gives it thought now and again.
The foolish student hears of the Tao and laughs aloud.
If there were no laughter, the Tao would not be what it is.

Steven M Corbin

"Whether one believes he was real or fictional, just the fact that Lau Tzu's wisdom applies just as much today as it did more than 2500 years ago confirms that our flawed human drive to know all the answers and our hyperactive desire to force things to happen are human flaws certain to be repeated; but also that this knowledge is valuable for the acquisition of self-awareness."

Holy shit, no. I'd be curious about how you reached this conclusion, but I'm pretty sure the answer is "I listened to Deepak Chopra".

Seriously, don't talk about this any more.

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  • Kent Thune is a wealth manager, a writer and a philosopher... Read More


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