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I'm a first time reader who recently stumbled across this post. I absolutely love the blog! Boredom (not lack of money) is the thing to fear in retirement. The deferred life plan just doesn't resonate with me...


Kent @ The Financial Philosopher

Thanks for the comment and for sharing your thoughts.

I like your phrasing of "the deferred life plan." It is true and tragic than most people defer life to earn more money.

I hope to hear from you again...



I just came over from your excellent post on Get Rich Slowly. To this I must say, hear hear! I am much more afraid of being unable to work than I am of working until I die. I just commented over on GRS that I am financially free now, in my job, and would be happy to continue so indefinitely, or until such time as a BETTER opportunity comes along.

Kent @ The Financial Philosopher


Thanks for coming over from GRS! You are wise to fear only being unable to work, especially if the work provides meaning; because without meaning to live for, we just deteriorate.

This is why the fear of "being forced to work" is a misplaced fear. One should only fear a lack of meaning, which is most often found in some kind of service to others.

Thanks again for commenting...


This one article alone shows off your excellent writing skills. I am very impressed with your views and interesting content. I hope you intend to continue writing more informational articles.

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If you were to ask me, I'll make sure that my savings are growing even after retirement.

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The true cost can be estimated on the percentage of the remaining paydays of our career. For my part, it is still good for 30 plus years.

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About Kent Thune

  • Kent Thune is a wealth manager, a writer and a philosopher... Read More


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