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Alex Golubev

if you like the Jiddu Krishnamurti quote, you should watch The Zeitgeist movie. I think the Addendum starts off with it. you gotta be open minded and make it all the way through, because it has some good insights for philosophers:

Kent @ The Financial Philosopher


I have seen much of the Zeitgeist movie and have not set aside the time to watch it in its entirety. The movie, near the beginning, uses a piece of one of Krishnamurti's public speeches, called the Real Revolution. You can find the complete speech and other quotes on my Krishnamurti page:


Thanks for the comment and link! I highly recommend the Zeitgeist movie, for which there is also a link on my Krishnamurti page.



I don't need a link to remind me of the past: forty years of carrying a credit card balance, impulse buying, compulsive hoarding, substance abuse, and workaholism.

When I turned forty nine, I asked myself if I wanted the next fifty years to be like the last forty nine. My answer was no. Like you so eloquently said: We owe it to ourselves to identify our disorders and remain mindful of them and thus enable ourselves to pursue a meaningful existence.

I retired at fifty seven debt free (I'm now sixty two). I also decided to retire my life style as well. I gave everything I bought over the last forty years to various charities in San Francisco. With six boxes of books and the clothes on my back, I opted for the simple, minimalist life.

No regrets. My disorders are the reason I am on this journey and living in the present moment. I know I can't change the past, but I did change myself.

Kent @ The Financial Philosopher

Thanks, Steven, for your thoughtful and insightful comment!

I especially like this: "My disorders are the reason I am on this journey and living in the present moment. I know I can't change the past, but I did change myself."

I believe that "disorder" is a relative term. If "order" represents normal, then I am content with disorder -- abnormality.

The path to a meaningful existence begins with self-awareness and self-knowledge, which is followed by steps taken on that path.

Some form of awakening must occur to identify what needs to be changed or uncovered. Fortunately, you were able to awaken without outside influence, which is the most effective means of positive change and evolution.

Thanks for provoking thought...


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About Kent Thune

  • Kent Thune is a wealth manager, a writer and a philosopher... Read More


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